The Information Security Policy sets forth the DB1 Group's formal stance on the protection of information in its custody and/or under its control. All employees, interns, apprentices, and service providers are required to abide by this policy. 

DB1 Group is dedicated to ensuring the security of information through established guidelines and controls. All personnel are expected to act proactively in safeguarding information. 

The organization is committed to maintaining and continually enhancing its Information Security Management System through the efforts of its employees, with the goal of meeting its objectives and fulfilling applicable requirements.

Maringá: +55 (44) 3033-6300

Avenida Carneiro Leão 563
Centro Empresarial Le Monde
2° andar sala 9, Maringá - PR
CEP 87014-010

Whatsapp +55 44 99152-5524
CNPJ 22.291.670/0001-47