DB1 Group is GLocal
We think globally and act locally

DB1 Group overcomes barriers, creates global relations and maintains the roots. The group is also proud of its talented people and prepares them to achieve world growth and work with clients across the globe.
Growth is good, but we shall not be proud of it unless it makes sense to the environment we are in.
DB1 Group understands that this environment is built of nature, places, communities, and mainly people.

Initiatives and projects we support

Sustainable development goals (United Nations): 17 goals to help build a better world.
GLocal: DB1 employees may live wherever they want.
Projects and committees that help the environment.
DB1 Start: capacitation program for people willing to start working in the technology industry.
Uni421: virtual platform of training and courses that promote learning and consistent collaboration.

DB1 Group believes in the growth of people

The group has actions, projects, and processes focused on developing each individual so they can find their best version.
Maringá: +55 (44) 3033-6300

Avenida Carneiro Leão 563
Centro Empresarial Le Monde
2° andar sala 9, Maringá - PR
CEP 87014-010

Whatsapp +55 44 99152-5524
CNPJ 22.291.670/0001-47